KythnosIrene Apartments

The kythnosirene apartments are located 10 meters from the beach Megali Ammos.Kythnosirene apartments are a family complex consisting of rooms, double, triple, quadruple and double room, apartments, built and tied in harmony with the natural environment, offer you peace and relaxation!

Summer wedding

in kythnos Irene

Thinking of a summer and summer wedding on a Greek island? Kythnos!! Its the perfect destination for a summer wedding on the island as they compose an idyllic landscape of natural beauty and magic that you wont find anywhere else. Here you can live your dream wedding at the Big Sandy estate in Kanala in a beautiful and quiet party in Kythnos!!

Contact with Kythnos Irene

Τel.: +30 (22810) 32052 – 32564